Thursday, October 2, 2014

The First Unit Plan!

For my first official unit plan I chose to do my Large Animal Science class and this unit focused on beef and sheep production. The unit consists of 15 sessions that are each 41 minutes long. I cover three main topics within this unit. They are genetics, reproduction and digestion. 

The unit plan process was actually more enjoyable and less stressful than I originally thought it would be. It was great to finally get all my ideas laid out and I could see where lessons would fit, what lessons needed more work and which ones wouldn't really fit at all. 

My original goal for my unit plan was to make sure all my lessons fit together and had solid titles and objectives. I also wanted to make sure I had adequate materials and evaluation methods for the students. 

My unit plan was given to two peers to review. From their feedback I was able to make some great changes to my plan. I made a few objectives more descriptive. Esp the ones that used the word "understand" because I now know that is a big no no! I also looked over my class materials and added some activities to add more variability to my lessons. 

It was brought to my attention that a lot of my materials were lesson plans and worksheets which can definitely get boring. I tried to add other activities such as e-moments to make my lessons more exciting. 

Overall, I was pleased with the way my first unit plan turned out. I am looking forward to doing my other ones because it really helps me wrap my head around the tons of lessons!

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra."
-Jimmy Johnson

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