Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Professional E-mail Etiquette

The society we live in now, e-mail is a part of most peoples day to day lives. It has become a huge part of my life since starting college and is now one of my main ways of communication. With e-mail being an important part of my professional relationships, there are quite a few tips to put in place to make sure I am using proper email etiquette.
I was able to find many resources that all listed the same top 10 tips on ways to write an effective email. 

1. Make the subject line count
Make sure the subject line is detailed enough so the reader knows what is inside and make sure it is exciting or important enough that they want to read it!

2. Get to the point
Put the most important information in the first line. Readers often won't wait to the end of the email to get the important stuff!

3. Identify yourself
This is especially important when emailing professors. Be sure they know what class you are in and in any situation be sure that the reader knows what you are asking about. 

4. Keep the text language to yourself
Avoid text lingo such as "brb" or "ttyl"

5. Keep it short
The recipient will be more likely to read all of your email if you keep it under 2 paragraphs. If you must write more than that consider using bullet points. 

6. Say Hello
It is always polite to start your email with hello or good morning, etc. 

7. Proofread
Reading over your email before you send it can catch a lot of simple grammar mistakes. 

8. Be pleasant
It is important to always be polite in your emails. Even if you are annoyed with the situation or the person don't show it in your email!

9. Respond fast
Email is supposed to be fast. It is beneficial to respond within 24 hours. If you are not able to   fully answer the email be sure to send the person a short note letting them know that you received the email and you will be responding soon. 

10. Have an appropriate signature
 Make sure your signature is appropriate and free of smiley faces or silly fonts. Others may see this as immature and may not take your message as seriously. 

Overall it is important that your emails are professional and efficient. This fun video goes through all the key email tips in just 2 minutes! Check it out!

"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere."
-Lee Iacocca
"Email Etiquette." About Emails. 2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. Email Etiquette

Maynez, Neltje. "Inbox Detox". 10 Ways to Write Professional Emails:Advice for College Students. 
          2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.10 Ways to Write a Professional Email

Nordquist, Richard. "10 Tips on How to Write a Professional Email." About Education. 2014. Web. 6           Oct. 2014. 10 Tips on How to Write an Effective Email

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